1. Complete as frases abaixo com o artigo definido "The", QUANDO necessário. Coloque um "X" nos locais em que ele não pode ser usado.
Serious - Sério
To need - Precisar
Office - Escritório
Health - Saúde
Parents - Pais ( Mãe e Pai )
Church - Igreja
Very old - Muito velho
Cheese - Queijo
a. __X__Mr Bond comes from__X__ England.
b. The accident was serious, but he didn't need to go to__X__ hospital.
c. __The__ doctor is in __the__ office.
d.__The__ Silvas are a rich family.
e.__The__ Amazon River is in the north region of Brazil.
f. __X__ coffee is bad for your health.
g. __X__ our parents live in __X__ Curitiba.
h. __The__ Atlantic Ocean is very large.
i. Every Sunday my family goes to __X__ church.
j.__The__ piano that she was playing is very old.
k. __X__ your brother is crying.
l. They like__X__ cheese, __X__milk and __X__ eggs.